When it is time for your move you have several options for filing your Change of Address. You can file directly at the post office for free, however this will require driving to the post office, waiting in line and hoping they have the correct forms for each person at the residence. You can file online directly via the USPS website for $1.05 if you are willing to have your personal information shared with additional third parties. Alternatively you can allow to prepare all forms on your behalf using our simplified preparation assistant for a one time fee of $20.00. The quick and simple process takes less than 5 minutes on average. Our services also provide an online checklist and e-book to assist you during your move. You will also receive discount offers for moving supplies and even search for moving companies upon request. We back our services with a no hassle refund policy. If you are unsatisfied for any reason your order can be cancelled and fully refunded.

  • Unlimited change of address form processing for 3 months for a one time flat fee of only $20.00, No additional fees.
  • Online moving checklist and downloadable E-Book included so you don't forget anything during your move.
  • Discounted moving boxes, address labels and moving supplies for all customers.
  • Discounted quotes from moving companies upon request, Let us help make your move easier.
  • IRS change of address form supplied for all permanent moves at no additional cost.
  • DMV change of address form supplied upon request. These forms vary to state to state.
  • We back our service by a hassle free refund policy. 
Price$1.05 Per Change$34.95 Per Change$20.00 One Time Fee
Unlimited Changes
PrivacyInformation shared with MyMove.comShared with undisclosed parties as stated in TOS.Privacy Protection.
We do not share personal information. Your information is safe and secure.
Phone SupportNormal business hoursNormal business hoursExtended business hours 
Ticket SupportNOVariesYES 
IRS IncludedNOVariesYES 
DMV IncludedNOVariesYES 

Contact Us: Average response time is currently 22 minutes.

Customer Service:
Phone: (303) 656-9623

Thanks for using We aim to provide the most simplistic and streamlined process for changing your address. We are confident you will love our service and back it with our 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are unhappy with our service please contact us within 30 days of your order and we will cancel your order and provide a full refund. is a third party agent that facilitates the address change request process by making moving easier and streamlined for our customers. is NOT affiliated with the United States Postal Service, USPS, IRS, DMV, or any government agency. There is a one time service fee of $20.00 for any services requiring a filing agent and/or manual document processing. You can obtain a change of address form for FREE by visiting your local office, but why wait in line and file with multiple agencies and companies. acts as an authorized agent for users wishing to file their address change request with the United States Postal Service, DMV and other agencies. The accuracy of the information is the responsibility of the user. Please note that your access to and use of change is subject to additional terms and conditions. Please allow up to 7-10 days for completion. ©2014 All rights reserved. Protecting your information is our priority and we run a full SSL 128 bit encryption for your protection. Please feel free to review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service by clicking each link.

Please feel free to Contact Us 24 hours a day 7 days a week with any questions you may have. We work for you, not the government.

United States Postal Service, USPS, Postal Service, Post Office, ZIP Code are trademarks of the United States Postal Service, IRS trademarks contact the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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